The delivery status of your release can be found in FUGA Next. On the product page, navigate to "Product Delivery Instructions".
Here you will find the delivery status of your release per Digital Service Provider (DSP).
You can review every step of your release delivery to a specific DSP by clicking on the auto-generated link located under the "History" tab. This allows you to track and monitor the progress of your release, ensuring that everything is on track and proceeding according to plan.
Below, you will find a guide to each delivery status and its meaning:
Delivered: Your release has been delivered to the DSP.
Queued Delivery: Your release is currently being inspected by the FUGA Content Team.
The delivery of your release to this DSP is currently queued and will be processed shortly.
Rejected at QC: Corrections need to be applied to your release prior to delivery to the DSP, or your release is not suitable for this DSP.
If you have not received corrections instructions via the usual channels, please email for further assistance.
Canceled Delivery: The delivery to this store has been canceled. Feel free to reach out to for further clarification.
Stalled Delivery: The delivery feed to the platform is currently paused due to ingestion issues on the DSP’s end. Once the issue is resolved, your delivery will be automatically sent through.
Queued Takedown: A takedown has been actioned and will be processed shortly.
Taken Down: The release has been taken down from the DSP.