In the contract catalog, under Balance you can view the contract's balance and add or delete mutations (like video costs, mastering costs, paid invoices etc).
By clicking "+ New Mutation", you will be able to add a mutation to your contract. This mutation includes re-naming, changing the date, and adding or deducting an amount to the balance.
By placing a minus sign [-] in front of the total amount, it will become negative. The mutations are added to the payable balance, so all recoupments, advances, or statement payouts should be listed as a negative amount.
Closed Statement Run and Mutation
After closing a statement or closing the entire statement run, the contract mutations will be archived. Any balance brought forward or reserves on a contract will be shown on the contract's Balance page. Any mutations still open after closing a statement will be fixed to that statement.
When you have paid out the amount due to your payees, the contract balances need to be zeroed out. This can be done by either adding a mutation per contract (in case you want to do this manually) or by importing a mutation importer using the contract references to link the amount to the correct contract.
The importer and downloadable template can be found in the Actions menu > New Import > Mutations import.