An Accounting Group can be viewed as a folder in your RASA account, representing an overarching group of organizations and contracts. Depending on the needs and requirements of your company, the accounting groups can be set up per:
Sub-organization, artist, or sublabel
If you have artists as well as labels (or sub-organizations) on your roster, you can group them by accounting groups as 'Artists' and 'Labels'.
Individual organization
If you would like to have a separate Accounting Group folder for all your payees, you can do so by creating an accounting group per organization. (E.g. Company A, Company B, Company C, etc.)
Accounting period
If you have payees on your roster that you account for in different accounting periods, it’s advisable to group them in an accounting group folder per these periods. For example, you can group payees you account to monthly in the 'Monthly Accounting Group' and payees you account to quarterly in a 'Quarterly Accounting Group'.
With your RASA Onboarding Manager, you can determine if Accounting Groups are a good fit for you and which setup works best.
To access and manage your accounting groups, go to Settings > Accounting Groups.