Assign products to assets by reference
Once assets and products have been created, it’s time to link the created assets to the right products. This can be done by the "Assign products to assets by references" importer.
This section will help you assign the assets to the corresponding products by using the reference you have given in the previous two importers.
Go to the bulk importer Assign products to assets by reference and click on "Download template CSV". Open this new .csv file in a spreadsheet of your choice and fill in:
- the asset_refrence
- product_reference (both unique values)
- share percentage
Save the file as a .csv before ingesting it back to RASA.
Upload the file on the same page you have downloaded the template from and click on "Analyze File". The system will automatically check on any errors in the uploaded ingestion sheet. If something is wrong, it will indicate which lines are faulty on the same page. Correct the sheet and import the corrected ingestion file.